Monday, February 23, 2015

Valiant Hymn Of Crippled Heroes.

Bursting toward a bright tomorrow, lightly skipping stones of hope,

shedding bitterness and sorrow, grinning like we’re smoking dope,

knitting bones and mending flesh, breathing, crystalline and fresh,

sturdy striding, head held high, eyes alight, despair denied,

open arms and out-flung love, serpent-wise but pure as doves,

brilliant joy blasts outward from our sybaritic core as we internalize the message that we’re made for something more than just a crippled, blind existence wrapped in rags of selfish lust and that by leaping off the edge in what is best described as trust then we can soar among the dreams of life the way it’s meant to be and join our souls in peace with Him who is the true reality!

Unbending from our fetal ball, we stoutly vow to not play small,

Instead we’ll seek the darkest spot, filled with filth, disease and rot,

 Hold our flame high, banish shadows, illuminate like Colorado’s

brilliant sun-filled azure blue restores the thrill of living true

to wisdom, boldness, kindness, grace, focused onward toward the place

of wine and laughter, peace and rest,  triumphant that we passed the test,

following wherever He goes, a proud platoon of crippled heroes.

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