Sunday, January 25, 2015


My father is a fount of folksy wisdom; among his repertoire of platitudes is one absolute gem:

WHY busy, not HOW busy is what matters: the bee is praised, the mosquito - swatted."
It has global application, can be understood by anyone who's ventured outdoors or watched Animal Planet, is short, memorable and slices straight to the marrow of that most pesky of questions - "What will I do with my life?"  With this pithy little koan you can constantly re-form the question into - "Should I pollinate joy or suck the life out of my surroundings?  I know for my dad, he's tried to emulate the bee.  What others may have misinterpreted as bumbling has, in fact, been a lifelong effort to provide for the hive and pollinate the future.  In part, because of this, I can  bloom.  Thanks, Dad!

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